Mission Statement
The Kensington Community Council is dedicated to the improvement, development, and education of the community and to the promotion of social welfare in Kensington. It enriches the community by providing educational and recreational programs for all ages and by publishing the Outlook, a monthly newsletter that covers local events and issues which is delivered to every household in Kensington for free.
Board of Directors 2024-2025
Sylvia Elsbury, President
Sneha Patel, Vice President
Cathy Garza, Treasurer
Danielle Power, Secretary
Anne Forrest, Board Member
Ted Blanckenburg, Board Member
Todd Hodson, Board Member
Becky Stephens, Board Member
Ciara Wood, Board Member
Carolyn Day Flowers , Board Member
Lisa Prange , Board Member
Jenny Parks, KCC Recreation Director
Linnea Due, Editor, Kensington Outlook
Alma Key, Ad Manager, Kensington Outlook
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2025 Board Meetings
KCC Board meetings are held on the following dates, at the Recreation Building (unless otherwise noted). For more information, please phone or email: (510) 525-0292; info@kensingtoncommunitycouncil.org
- Monday, January 13 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, February 10 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, March 10 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, April 14 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, May 12 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, June 9 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, July 14 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, September 8 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, October 6 @ 6:30 PM
- Monday, November 3 @ 6:30 PM
KCC needs volunteer board members not only to sustain our programs but also to bring new ideas, as we continually strive to improve and diversify KCC’s activities in Kensington.The time commitment of a KCC board member is small, but the impact is to the community is big. To learn more or to volunteer, please email: President@ kensingtoncommunitycouncil.org.
The Kensington Community Council’s role in the community: The Kensington Community Council (KCC) became an independent 501 (3)(c) nonprofit in 1960 at the request of the district governing board, the KPPSCD, to oversee Kensington’s recreation programs and the publication of the Outlook. Under the attentive stewardship of the volunteer board over the last half century, the program has grown to include more than 50 after-school classes each session, a full summer of children’s camp sessions, as well as community-wide activities.
KCC’s Board of Directors is composed of community members who hold public meetings ten times per year, usually on the second Monday evening of each month. Providing oversight and direction for KCC’s programs and staff, the Board also presents community events and leads fundraising efforts. KCC board members have the opportunity to enhance public life in our community. In the past KCC was twice instrumental in funding the renovation of the Community Center, and provided necessary funds to build public restrooms in the park Daily, working families rely on the KCC programs as a fun and safe haven for their children in Kensington Park.
The board is always looking for new community participation and new ideas to improve and diversify the recreational classes and programs in Kensington. The time commitment of the board members is small but the impact to the community is big. Email President@kensingtonCommunityCouncil.org to learn more.
Become a Parent Advisory Board Member
The KCC Parent Advisory Board is composed of Kensington Hilltop Elementary parents who collaborate with the recreation director on KASEP class ideas and registration processes, and serve as liaisons between KCC and the Hilltop community. They assist program participants during the first 2 weeks of KASEP classes each session, helping kids find their way downhill from school to the Recreation Building. To learn more email RecDirector@KensingtonCommunityCouncil.org.

Kensington Community Council
59 Arlington Avenue
Kensington, CA 94707
KCC FEDERAL TAX ID: # 94-1491933